Today's prompt inspired me to write about all my good friends, and 'over the top' praises will just result in their shocked deaths or my admission to an institution of mental health, so I tweaked my interpretation of the prompt this way-
Whatever spirits
led me to you,
let us cross paths,
they did right!
Because you’re awesome
to my nemesis, gruesome
You’re the Great Wall of China,
Strong defense, you define a
You’re the song of the century
You’re all that’s about- the revelry
You’re the Robin in my glory
Also the Batwoman of your story
You wouldn’t like just the praises
So I’ll add a bit of your vices
You’re the biggest missing piece
Of my average sized brain
You’re mostly patience,
Only sometimes pain
You’re fully witty, funny
But maybe just a bit whiny
Because you’re you
You’re the best, yeah, You!
By now you’re already calculating
When’s the drop- you’re awaiting
Since you’re also smart enough
To know this is all a lie, now
But I’ll sing your greatness
My face- with a straightness